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hello me


me 'n that Posted on December 13, 2009 4:01 am

I seem to have endless problems with my health at the moment.

And I’m becoming like an old woman.

Hello all I’m ranting again! And it is not even the
birthday of the little baby Jesus
aaaaaawwww noo.

I’m running away with masel, the bottom of my bed looks
like a toys-r-us. Do you remember the good old days, when you looked forward to
crimbo, then you were told the god awful secret, then now you know, nothing you
can do its all shite, and just another day for you.

Then i am getting one step closer to the grave, twenty
five days after this, yep i even hate this as well, people, celebrate every
year how old we are getting, and won’t be long before we get planted.

I’m fed up! Boo hoo.

crockywock the crocodile

me 'n that Posted on December 6, 2009 2:13 am

Well its crimbo!

The biggest excuse to blow yer money, do we actually know
why we do it?

I dinna ken.

I have got everything in, blown my money again, well wots

I have now got so bored of the job that, sweeping the
streets in this weather would be a blessing. Customers are idiots, and would
not care if it was a headless dimwit on the phone or the lord our god.

The arsehole brother has not been locked away, and it still
pisses me off that i wander from crisis to crisis, and he can swan through life
without a care, now i don’t believe in a god, but if there is a higher power,
they are seriously ripping the pish!

Give them the job in the call centre and see if they like a
little bit of that rather than Jeremy Kyle.

of course you know, this means war!

me 'n that Posted on November 26, 2009 1:59 am

Well new home, wish to centre my activities on one website.

I will bring to this, the same bile as i have on my previous web site.

The joys of Crimble is about to happen, more fun and excitement, as i can muster, which is not much!

So if you wish to feel the love stay tuned!

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