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hello me

big of you

me 'n that Posted on March 26, 2014 4:17 pm

Hello peeps!

I have no been with you for quite a while, weel whid you want my every last thought!

I am still falling to bits, but im still getting through it, which makes a change!

I am going to be buying a bike soon, also i am going to look at mayby doing a wee bit more to improve my knowledge, more to come on that shortly.

If we eventually get better weather, i might even start my travel blog, by taking wee trips and doing some sketching. I want to start really doing stuff this year, need tae get out and start living, something i have not being doing for a while.

Well if i get time, or am bored, i will keep up my wee blog here to entertain you.

Nightie night

rama dama ding dong

me 'n that Posted on February 10, 2014 10:16 pm

Hello, new year, new idiots to deal with! where do we start?
the thing at the moment is a movement for world ‘peace’ The Olympics, sells thair guarrenteed ‘world show’ the the highest bidder, no matter the human rights record!

I am reffering to the idiots in russia, who belive the only way a person can be is so far in the closet, they are bumming mr tumnus!

As i have pointed out in my facebook page, they have a tendancey for such a straight, and homphobic nation, to be obsessed with the male member, one only has to look at the olympic cauldron, remarkably looks like an errect penis! then their uniforms, bright pink, why dont they go the whole hog and put them arseless chaps!

Then there is our own goverment, who dont want scotland to leave the united kingdom, not because that they would loose the second largets tax revenue in the uk, nor that they would have to remove the nukes from faslane, no because standing in a sports stadium in london, where most of the golds came from fellow scots, they would miss ruling us from the mansions in london. Mr cameron claiming to be part scottish also, is laughable, its like me saying im part american, because i have native american ansestory, (i do by the way:)

I have always felt scottish, rather than british, or as the english who i speak to on the phone ‘scotch’ like im a bloddy whiskey!

anyhow enough ranting for one night


the magic spinners

me 'n that Posted on August 11, 2013 7:35 pm

well i’m noo special, well special needs anyway!

i have ibs, and will be the death of me, no more oily foods, no more spicey foods, in other works a boring diet, Hurrah!

my mood is up at the moment, which is a good thing, but i know the next thing will be a period of down.

and now i’m going away tae the seaside, i need a wee break, from everything, but as we know me and my wee kindle will be reading away for 3 glorious weeks.

i am on the medication for life now, and the cramps i get are very painful.

and now me with my ocd i find a fault with my phone, it has a buzzing noise, and i could probably put up with it till my contract comes up, but you know me i hate flaws, also something bright and shiny and i have to have it, so probably in the next two months i will have to get the latest phone, i’m going to have to get replacement tablet also!

any hoo

away to learn how to murder on csi

the momas and the papas

me 'n that Posted on June 30, 2013 11:14 pm

hey hoo diarinkis again!

Yep still the walking illness machine.

also had a migrane in ma heid for the last four day.

Im falling tae bits, and im no even 40 yet!

Still going through periods of down weeks, then i get the peroids where i am happy, and im surfing the world.

This week i want to kill myself, im soo tired, its no just work, when people talk to me, all i see is through them, i get to a stage where people annoy me, and i want want just to end it, im no even feirt of dieing anymore, that for me is a major step forword, there is nothing after you die so peace and quiet thank god.

then again i cannot think yet i will get the bottle tae do it


nighty night

oooohhhh you are awful, but i like you!

me 'n that Posted on April 14, 2013 4:53 pm

I am going through the motions again, and i need to get away from Airdrie, it is driving me nuts!

The happy pills are doing the job but i am still not improving health of otherwise. I am a 35 year old man, and my body feels of a man of sixty.

I’m bored with my life, my drawing or my books get me away from it, but not much.

I need to start looking now for a career away from call centres, saying the same old thing to idiots everyday, and lets not beat about the bush, they are idiots!

With me thinking like this, i know i cannot go to another call centre job, i would need to be face to face, or i wish they didn’t get away from manned lighthouse. i would love to be on my own working away, i have never had a need of company, but even then there are things like broadband, skype, and also mobiles.

I would love to have a job working for myself, a wee house by the sea, and would never need to work for someone instead.

Not going to happen though, though if i can still do my job, paint and with my new wee hobby writing my novel.

I am going to promise myself to go away for a trip, even if its just for one day, and i would definitely going forward on end of aug and first week of september, going away even if its by myself.

Anyhoo still bored, am a way to read ta ta

god rest ye merry gentlemen!

me 'n that Posted on March 8, 2013 11:39 pm

well how we all doing?

I gradually loosing the plot, and going mental by the day!

Also the world is going mental also we can only look as the banks are ruling the world, the new food can be found at racecourses and previously had names like ‘shergar’.

I am also still a bit ill, but what’s new.

so I will now leave you to your normal viewing to da loo

I like big butts, and i cannot lie!

me 'n that Posted on January 20, 2013 9:20 pm

Hullo the ppl

Well hello and good evening I am 35 in 5 days’ time and feeling
every year!

I am also going through the problems with age with my
parents, my father has been rushed to hospital with issues with his stomach,
like father like son I hear you say!

I have to closely think that my father is an old man, he
looked so frail going out to the ambulance, and freked the life out of me.

I have mixed emotions regarding this, my father does
sometimes anger me with his actions, claimed on more than one time that he
wanted to be ‘left to die’ but forgets the people around him, that do worry. I am
not particularly close to my father, but I would not wish him to die like that
alone and no one to care for him.

One of the good things now is I can be in a more relaxed
conversation with my little brother now, may be as he is now not living in the
same house as me.

Going to start saving up for my holibags this year, so I have
least got money I can play with, I also want a buffer in case I am ever ill
again, (touch wood,) never want to go through what I did last year!

Any hoo



God bless, ye merry gentlemen!

me 'n that Posted on December 24, 2012 12:27 am

So we’re not dead, do all those
new age hippies that wrote the books were wrong, (shock horror, well blow me
down, and spank my arse, and call me Mary!)

Its crimble 2morrow and just 365
days to the next one, best mortgage my house now!

Where was the good old days when I
could not sleep on Christmas Eve, now I can’t wait for Boxing Day, even the telly’s

And I am working through it, and I
can guarantee it will be one of the busiest periods on my working year.

Last year on Dec I went on my melt
down. And I don’t want to go through that this year.

Well enough of me moaning hope you
have a happy one!


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