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hello me

blow me!

me 'n that Posted on May 10, 2010 4:26 pm

Hello Chinas!

Well, I havenie come to you for a real while, no for the
lack of it, it’s that I hate my laptop now and want a new one.

The ‘z’ key is a bit dodgy and there are missing pixels on
the screen.

And the anal retentive person in me cannot have perfection
messed up, annoys me, I lose interest in the thing and want to replace it.

I am a electronics companies wet dream, all they have to do
is make a product not perfect, and I go running to currys or Tesco, (believe me
I think that manufacturers are deliberately doing this, but this maybe my paranoid,
conspiracy theory nut job in me taking!)

So I am going to go portable and scale down to net book, and
keep this brute for the downloading, also means I can take it to work and rant
on my breaks .

Also on holibags, this thing needs a ton of painkillers just
to lift it, so I will try and keep in touch with you all


hello ducky!

me 'n that Posted on March 15, 2010 10:03 pm

I have no been writing for a while pals.

It’s no for the lack of trying, my laptop is getting crapper
by the day. Also the weird, shitty shifts that have done ma nut in.

I also have the weird twitchy eye again, I am noo giving
anyone the eye if you think that is the case.

I also get food poisoning at work, and have to go home and don’t
get paid for it, got to love out-scorers, the new workhouses of tony b’liar.

We are also getting tony b’liar part 2, the wonderful ‘call
me Dave’ Cameron, and you wonder why I don’t vote anymore. I can tell you now if the labour party put a
mad rapist up as their candidate in the seat I live, the ‘sheep’ in, (god love’m,)
Airdrie & Shotts, would vote him in. our lovely constituents don’t care for
substance, all they see is LABOUR, and put a big cross beside it, more times
than not because crosses are the only form of writing they can do.

People need to get a grip as well, thinking they have the
power to change things, take this thing with the BBC, oh yes we all would love
not to pay for a licence fee, but what is the alternative, nice ‘safe’ ant
& dec, (if this ever happens, there will be a run in ropes and beams to
swing on,) we have turned into a nation of Mary Shitehouses, (that lovely
opinionated, very oppress, woman, who I am personally thankful, is rotting in a
box somewhere,) save us if the world is run by god botherers, if this was the
case, I would be locked up for going against gods great idea. If this was the
case why are we still dictated by idiots still following a mythical being, who
there is NO proof in.

God I am getting deep tonight.

Need to lay down!

Ahoy hoy!


me 'n that Posted on February 20, 2010 8:40 pm

have no care what i am.

was born weird, as i have said previously, i was nearly born in an ambulance,
because ‘the driver never had one before,’ until my mother reminded him she was
in al lot of pain, and with the mood she was in, she would put him through the

was also born in what is now a nuthouse, well we all have a history, then
forward to horrible school, one of the reasons why i hate high school musical,
if you broke out in song in my school, more than likely, you were a big fairy
like me, or you were a day release from the place where i was born.

either way, you didnie fit. I was lucky, i didnie get up the duff, and i didnie
get a crack habit, this i am more than grateful for.

am, of course, one of the screaming mad ones though, born for the stage, but I’ll
stay her and I’ll annoy you.

hullos to one and all

me 'n that Posted on February 8, 2010 10:30 pm

I know cheep and tawdry, but if it gets you through the
night, who am i to complain?

I am gonna get back to ma wee novel, who knows i might get a
big following, get published, and be a rich bitch, (i have too many high

We like to say that have been missing venting my feelings to
you all, and it has sadly been missed over the last couple of months, but have
been running myself into the ground, (well got to have something to talk

This has been cathartic for me, free therapy, who can say

Writing down my life also gives it meaning, where i feel it’s

I am also not going to leave a legacy, so this is it, me in
all my naked glory, (oh no! what an awful thought!)


me 'n that Posted on January 28, 2010 1:03 am

ta ta!

well, how we all diddlin then?

i am on ma hollibags, hurrah

Hippy eczema!

me 'n that Posted on December 26, 2009 9:29 pm

I have noo blogged you for a while, but so fickin what, you’re not the boss of me!


Santa came and went, (the dirty bugger!) i went loopy for a wile on sherbet, it was sherbet, and i am sticking to that story.

Funnily enough my boss gave me sherbet fountain, and i swallowed all off this, i then spent the remainder of the day in a hyper, singing carols at the top of my voice, i don’t even like Christmas.

I got my usual, deodorant, (think someone is trying to tell me something,) and books, something i do appreciate! Thank you book lovers out there you are my favourite!

The snow for once is getting on my truppneys, it means i cannot walk home fae work, without an iceball, with a mixture of stones, and dog shit, winging itself towards may face, (gone was the days you used to give these wee bastards the belt.) or if you drive to work try and drive with snow pelted at yer windscreen, no bother though, you have the knowledge that one day, they will ether, be up the duff, in the barr-ell or dead with an overdose.

Happy Xmas one and all


me 'n that Posted on December 13, 2009 4:01 am

I seem to have endless problems with my health at the moment.

And I’m becoming like an old woman.

Hello all I’m ranting again! And it is not even the
birthday of the little baby Jesus
aaaaaawwww noo.

I’m running away with masel, the bottom of my bed looks
like a toys-r-us. Do you remember the good old days, when you looked forward to
crimbo, then you were told the god awful secret, then now you know, nothing you
can do its all shite, and just another day for you.

Then i am getting one step closer to the grave, twenty
five days after this, yep i even hate this as well, people, celebrate every
year how old we are getting, and won’t be long before we get planted.

I’m fed up! Boo hoo.

crockywock the crocodile

me 'n that Posted on December 6, 2009 2:13 am

Well its crimbo!

The biggest excuse to blow yer money, do we actually know
why we do it?

I dinna ken.

I have got everything in, blown my money again, well wots

I have now got so bored of the job that, sweeping the
streets in this weather would be a blessing. Customers are idiots, and would
not care if it was a headless dimwit on the phone or the lord our god.

The arsehole brother has not been locked away, and it still
pisses me off that i wander from crisis to crisis, and he can swan through life
without a care, now i don’t believe in a god, but if there is a higher power,
they are seriously ripping the pish!

Give them the job in the call centre and see if they like a
little bit of that rather than Jeremy Kyle.

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